
(epinephrine in 0.9% sodium chloride injection)
RTU Premixed Bag

Room temperature* storage with 24-month shelf life1

*20°C to 25°C (68°F to 77°F).1

4 mg/250 mL (16 mcg/mL)

 Adrenalin ready-to-use premixed bag
 Adrenalin ready-to-use premixed bag

First and only FDA-approved, manufacturer-prepared epinephrine premixed intravenous (IV) bag1

  • Improves treatment delivery time and workflow efficiencies2
  • Does not require compounding, diluting, mixing, or transferring, which may reduce waste3
  • Single-port IV tubing reduces risk of inadvertently adding other medications to bag3,4

Now available for setup in your EMR system (⁠Epic, ⁠Cerner, ⁠etc)

To receive more information on this product, go to your formulary/pricing service vendor (Medi-Span, First Databank, etc), or you can contact us at

EMR=electronic medical record.

Most commonly used concentration5†

4 mg/250 mL (16 mcg/mL)

Adrenalin ready-to-use premixed bags most commonly used concentrationAdrenalin ready-to-use premixed bags most commonly used concentration
Product NameAdrenalin® (epinephrine in 0.9% sodium chloride injection)
Concentration4 mg/250 mL
(16 mcg/mL)
Pack Size10 x 250 mL
premixed bags
NDC=National Drug Code.
In an online survey from January 2023 completed by US hospital pharmacists familiar with concentrations used for epinephrine infusion in the facility, 40% reported using the 4 mg/250 mL (16 mcg/mL) concentration for adult patients (N=100).5
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